
Samsung plans to develop $673 million solar plants in Texas



Samsung’s specialized division is considering the possibility of allocating $673 million for the construction of solar power plants in Texas. Meanwhile, the construction may begin next June, while the commercial operation in December 2023, reports Reuters.

According to the information, the power plants will be located in Milam County, which is just two hours away from Samsung Electronics’ Austin chip factory where the South Korean firm is considering building a new $ 17 billion chip factory. However, the total capacity of the power plants will be close to 700 megawatts.

Aside from this, a Samsung C&T spokesperson told Reuters that Samsung Renewable Energy is “proceeding with approval procedures with the state” but the project has not yet been discussed with Samsung Electronics. Back in October 2020, Samsung C&T announced that it would cease any new investments and projects related to coal.

Reuters further pointed out that as countries around the world transition from fossil fuels to cleaner renewable energy sources to help slow global warming, the attractiveness of solar and wind energy is growing rapidly.

Furthermore, the administration of US President Joe Biden hopes that by 2035, all of the country’s electricity will come from non-carbon sources such as nuclear and renewable energy.


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