
WhatsApp won’t limit accounts of the Indian users who denied new privacy policy



Recently, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India sent a notice to WhatsApp, which mentioned a strict message from the government for withdrawal of its controversial privacy policy.

At the same time, the Indian government gave WhatsApp seven days to come up with a “satisfactory” response, or it would take immediate legal measures against the Facebook-owned company.

Now, according to the info (via LiveMint), WhatsApp responded to the Indian government that it won’t withdraw its privacy policy because it “does not change the privacy of people’s personal messages.”

Adding to this, the platform also clarified that it won’t restrict accounts of the users who choose not to access its new privacy policy. Meanwhile, it will remind users about the policies until the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill comes into effect in India.

Previously, WhatsApp said that the accounts of the users who deny accepting the revised privacy policy will not be deleted immediately. But, it would slowly limit functionality after the May 15th deadline.

“We have responded to the Government of India’s letter and assured them that the privacy of users remains our highest priority. As a reminder, the recent update does not change privacy of people’s personal messages. Its purpose is to provide additional information about how people can interact with businesses if they choose to do so…We will not limit the functionality of how WhatsApp works in the coming weeks. Instead, we will continue to remind users about the update as well as when people choose to use relevant optional features, such as communicating with a business that is receiving support from Facebook…We hope this approach reinforces the choice that all users have whether or not they want to interact with a business. We will maintain this approach until at least the forthcoming PDP law comes into effect” said WhatsApp spokesperson.


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