
Samsung expands number of low-cost technologies to promote small Korean firms



According to the latest info, South Korea’s state of the art technology company Samsung will launch a number of low-cost technologies in line with the government’s efforts to promote shared growth among co-operatives and small and medium-sized firms.

Under this initiative, the world’s top memory maker will allow 99 businesses to use their 172 patents without paying royalties. The latest move will increase the number of patients allocated by Samsung from 2015 to 784.

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Since 2013, South Korea has been running a program that focuses on attracting large companies to share technology with smaller companies.

“The latest move will help small firms overcome business challenges sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said in a statement.

Earlier this year, SK Group, which has affiliated companies including number 2 chipmaker SK Hynix, also shared 75 different technologies with 53 smaller businesses under the program.

On the other hand, Samsung’s Design Solution Partners (DSPs) have started supporting the design of 5-nm ultra-fine semiconductor processes. DSP is a semiconductor design house that supports the design of fabless companies and acts as a ‘bridge’ to utilize Samsung’s foundry process.

It is evaluated that Samsung’s support for 5nm ultra-fine process design has provided an opportunity to advance the domestic system semiconductor and foundry ecosystem.


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