
Google to optimize Play Store App evaluation system



Google has officially announced that the Play Store will push a long-term improvement plan to create a more personalized scoring mechanism that can reflect the expectations of each user and make it easier for developers to navigate and use:

  • Starting November, smartphone users can view the exclusive scores of the country/region where they are registered
  • In early 2022, users of other devices such as tablets, Chromebooks, and wearables can view their device’s unique ratings.

Google said that scoring can help users decide which app to download, while also affecting the selected content and ranking on the Play Store. However, the comprehensive score sometimes does not accurately reflect the real situation as application experience will vary depending on the user’s region and device type.

Therefore, starting from November this year, the official will provide scores based on the registration area of ​​individual users, and will further provide scores based on different device types at a later date.

In early next year, Google will further update the scoring function to subdivide the devices used when users browse the Play Store into tablet devices, foldable devices, Chrome OS, Wear, or Auto. This helps users to better choose the equipment they use.

Aside from this, the Google Play Management Center will also be optimized:

Device type data analysis: A new device type dimension is added to the rating page, and a device type filter is added to the rating so that developers can easily view the rating of tablet device users on the application or the rating of users in Chrome OS content.

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More flexible date and time filtering: Developers can individually select the time period they want to draw (from the last 28 days to the complete application life cycle), and freely integrate score data (daily, weekly or every 28 days) to obtain More granular data over a longer period of time.

Easily download data: Support downloading average data and score distribution of apps in CSV format. Combined with the new data filtering options, developers can easily query and download more data, and perform offline analysis.

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