
Google brings new Address Maker app to create addresses at scale to  help governments 



Billions of people around the world have no address. To address this issue, Google has announced a new app called Address Maker, a free utility that helps governments and non-profit organizations (NGOs) easily create different addresses for developing communities.

With this new update an address maker, organizations can create different, active addresses on the scale directly from an Android device. The Address Maker app relies on Plus Codes, an open-source app developed by Google that generates a digital address using latitude and longitude links.

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Google introduced the Plus Code in 2015 to allow organizations and local authorities to quickly create active addresses for homes and businesses.

Last year, Google integrated Merge Codes into Google Maps for Android, making it easier to generate and share your digital address. Users can now simply open Google Maps on their phones and tap the blue dot on the map to create a six-digit Plus Code.

As Google notes, creating addresses for an entire village or village can take years. But with an Address Maker, it only takes a few weeks to find communities that do not speak well on the map.

Address Maker is already used by governments and NGOs in India, Kenya, The Gambia, South Africa, and the US, with “many partners on the move.” Governments and organizations wishing to implement standardized programs in their areas may submit their applications using this form.

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