
Samsung Electronics preparing for 6G Network and Technology



Samsung is continuously making its own way to excel and is in search of a new growth engine at present. Representing its own vision it has released a white paper that shows how Samsung is going to secure global 6G frequency bands, which seems to be a next-generation technology.

Samsung has released the White Paper titled 6G Spectrum – “Expanding the Frontier, represents the company’s direction that is needed to obtain a 6G spectrum. Talking more about this it said Samsung is committed to taking the lead and spreading its vision to bring advanced communication experience to every corner of the world.

The Executive Vice President and head of Advanced Communication and Research Technology, Sunghyun Choi said” We have started on our journey long ago to understand, develop, and Standardize the 6G communication technology.


What does 6G Network Technology require?

The new communication technology requires an ultra-wideband of the spectrum with contiguous bandwidth ranging from hundreds of MHz to tens of GHz.

Specific issues:

  • To compensate for the signal distortion.
  • To minimize energy consumption at the base station.
  • To deal with the nonlinearity of the transmitter’s power amplifier.
  • To reduce the penetration loss and blockage of high frequency.
  • To increase the length of the uplink signals.

Why 6G is required?

  • To enable the new services such as high-fidelity mobile holograms and a truly immersive extended reality (XR) that is only possible with ultra-high-speed communication and a large amount of data.
  • To meet the growing demand for greater coverage.
  • To facilitate high-performance computing devices, and necessity to improve digital design infrastructure.
  • A high fidelity network that could support the Metaverse technology.
  • To strengthen commercial communication, etc.

What Samsung is planning for?

Samsung is planning to target and propose all the available 6G bands, from the low band spectrum ranging under 1 GHz to the mid-band spectrum from 1GHz to 24GHz. Above this, the upper-frequency band from 24 GHz to 300GHz will also be made available for high-performance computing, commercial, and intelligence-related works.

Samsung White paper represents the reframing of all the existing frequency bands such as 3G, 4G, and 5G to new 6G bands just by making them compatibly operatable. The company is soon going to share more details and will disclose the new findings in its first ‘6G FORUM’, scheduled on May 13, 2022.

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