
Samsung Good Guardians 4.0.04 update arrived!



Good Guardians! It is a service developed by Samsung to deliver privileged utilities for Galaxy devices. At the moment, the company has started releasing a new update for Samsung Good Guardians with version 4.0.04.

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Good Guardians 4.0.04 Update

Samsung Good Guardians bring a bunch of improvements and bug fixes for better performance. In addition to this, the update enhances the stability of the app. This update is applicable for Galaxy devices running One UI 4.1.1 based on Android 12L / Android 12 to Android 10.

Identified via version 4.0.04 version, the update comes with an installation package size of 21.79MB. Since the size is not very big you can use your mobile data to download it from Galaxy Store. Also, you can download it from the third-party source link mentioned here.

In addition to this, Samsung has updated some modules of the Good Guardian Suite including Thermal Guardian, App Booster, and more. Talking about the Thermal and App booster, both modules come with version 4.0.04 to improve the overall performance of your device.

It is an initial rollout so it may take some time to reach all eligible devices. To install this latest version on your smartphone, open the Galaxy Store, tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner, after that, you will find the Updates option, tap on it. From here you will get all the available updates, you can install any of them. Also, you can get this new update directly from the link mentioned here.

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