
How to take golden hour photos with your Samsung Galaxy while sunset/sunrise



Today’s smartphones have reduced the need for DSLRs as they provide great picture quality on the mobile camera itself. Samsung, on the other hand, not only delivers good picture quality but also offers so many wonderful camera features that will help you capture beautiful pictures of beautiful golden hours – Sunset or Sunrise.

Which photoholic wouldn’t dream of clicking a good picture of sunset or sunrise? These are adorable golden hours and people not only love watching them but also want to capture them on their phones.

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However, clicking good Sunset or Sunrise shots is not easy. Here are some best tips that will help you capture stunning Sunset or Sunrise pictures with your Samsung Galaxy Camera and the best part is there is no need for fancy ISO settings.

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Capture Sunset/Sunrise with Samsung Camera

Timing is everything:

The best Sunset and Sunrise time is usually only 20 minutes long and depends a lot on the weather and your location. The best way to catch this magical light is to find out when sunrise or sunset occurs in your place and then leave a few hours before.

Quantity = Quality:

The golden hour light can go from bright to low in a matter of seconds. Therefore, to make sure that you have captured good shots, turn on Burst shot to capture as many photos as possible. Later you can choose the best one.

To do so, simply swipe down the shutter button on the ‘Photo’ mode of your Samsung camera. And if you are noticing a GIF is being captured instead of a Burst Shot, you need to change the Swipe Shutter Button settings through Camera settings >> Swipe Shutter button to >> Take Burst shot.

A little shadow play:

You should use the long, soft shadows of the sunset and sunrise hour to your advantage. Place your subject directly in front of a light source to create stunning backlighting. Play with the light source by partially blocking it with your hand and creating a sunspot, or finding new angles to create attractive shadows and reflections.

Cheers to holiday glow:

Once you capture a perfect shot, edit it however you like and upload it directly to your favorite social feed and enjoy!

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