
Samsung Galaxy smartphone heats up during charging in these situations



Several times smartphone gets heated during charging due to which we get worried that our smartphone is damaged or it is time to replace it etc. But let us tell you the heat generated while charging the battery is normal and will not affect the life or performance of your Samsung Galaxy device but there’s some situations.

While charging, your Samsung device and charger may become warm while charging, and may feel even hotter during wireless or fast charging. But there are some condition from which we can prevent the smartphone from heating up, let’s explore them.

Samsung Galaxy heats up during charging in the below mentioned situations.

1.) If an app update runs while the Galaxy device is charging

The app can automatically update while your device is charging, which increase the temperature of the device. So you can check via the notification panel whether any app is updating, and the temperature will drop once the update is complete.

2.) Galaxy while charging in a hot environment

When charging on acomforter, bed, sofa, and electric blanket in the winter, the heat will not dissipated and may become hot. This is similar to the  phenomenon when you keep a hot pack in your pocket in winter. So, it may be relieved by moving the device to a well-ventilated or cool place for charging.

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3.) Galaxy gets hot during wireless charging

More heat will be generated during wireless charging as compared to normal charging. However, it may feel hotter if it is not placed in the center of the charger or if there is an external object between the device and the charger.

In addition, if you charge with metal, magnets, cards, or thick cases, heat may occur and the speed of charging may decrease.

Here’s what to do if your Samsung smartphone battery is not charging

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