
Android struggles to attract loyal iOS users, Apple don’t



Android is the world’s most used mobile operating system, then comes the iOS. Usually, consumers avoid switching the operating system when upgrading to a new smartphone. However, a report reveals that Apple has a better ability to attract Android users.

According to the newest Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) report, iOS and Android demonstrate impressive customer loyalty. In particular, more than 90 percent of users stick with their respective operating systems when upgrading to a new phone.

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iOS is the biggest competitor to Android OS, which has a slightly higher commitment at 94 percent, while Android owners maintain a loyalty rate of 91 percent. Moreover, the data shows that Apple has a greater ability to attract Android users, while Android struggles to entice users who are already loyal to iOS.

The report further states that during the latest twelve-month period, around 14 percent of individuals who purchased an Apple iPhone had previously owned an Android smartphone. In contrast, only 4 percent of Android buyers had switched from an iPhone.

Less than 5 percent of buyers for Android and iOS consisted of customers transitioning from discontinued operating systems, those with basic or flip phones, or individuals purchasing their first-ever smartphone. While both OSs benefit from impressive customer loyalty, the iPhone takes the lead by a significant margin.

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