
Google Nearby Share lets you send files to your device even when the screen is off



Google offers an amazing feature called Nearby Share that allows you to send files to other devices. It’s like AirDrop, but for Android, and it also works with Windows PCs. But there was a problem that you could only send files to devices that were awake and unlocked. That was a hassle if you wanted to send something to your phone without bothering to pick it up.

But now, Google Nearby Share just got an upgrade that lets you send files to devices that are asleep, as long as they are logged into the same Google account as you. That means you can effortlessly move files between your devices without touching them. Just open Nearby Share on the sender device and pick the device from the list.

This is a small but useful improvement that makes Nearby Share more handy and enjoyable to use. If you have multiple Android devices or a Windows PC, you should totally check it out.

Although Google has not announced this new change but it has been spotted by @GreenShades9. Hopefully, this feature will roll out to more devices soon.

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