
Threads break fastest 100 million users record of ChatGPT, took just 5 days



Speaking of the hottest application in the first half of this year, there must be the name ChatGPT, which broke through the 100 million-level user mark more than two months after its launch.

However, this record has recently been broken. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirmed more than 100 million registered users on his social platform Threads in less than 5 days, which is faster than ChatGPT.

After the app went live, Zuckerberg announced its latest results in “real-time”: 5 million registered users in the first 4 hours; 10 million in 7 hours; 30 million in 24 hours; 70 million in 48 hours.

It took nearly two years for Meta’s Instagram to reach the 100 million users mark, which shows the popularity of Threads. It is worth mentioning that Threads also have high user activity.

The Verge pointed out that in the past few days, the number of posts on Threads has reached more than 95 million, and the number of likes has reached 190 million.

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