
Android 14’s work profile change keeps you engaged to work even when you’re not



Android is a system that runs on many devices and it lets you have two profiles: one for work and one for personal stuff. You can switch off the work profile when you don’t want to see work apps or messages. But in Android 14, Google changed how this works.

Before, when you switched off the work profile, it was like turning off your work phone. You wouldn’t get any notifications or calls from work.

But now with Android 14, when you switch off the work profile, it’s like putting your work phone on silent. You still get notifications and calls from work, but they don’t make any sound or show up on the screen.

This means that you can go back to work faster if you want to, but it also means that you can’t really escape from work. You might feel pressured to check your work messages or answer your work calls even when you’re not working. This can make it hard to balance your work and personal life.


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