
Samsung issues surprise Galaxy S23 Ultra downgrade



Following the recent July 2023 update, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra lost access to the High bitrate videos feature. After losing access to such a useful camera feature, Samsung’s consumers are quite disappointed and demanding to bring it back.

Once enabled, the high bitrate videos function increases the bitrate of videos recorded in Video and Pro video modes. It significantly increases the video size and stores the file in HEVC format, resulting in videos delivering higher bitrate compared to the original settings.

Users having S23 Ultra claim the option to record 8K video in high bitrate mode has been grayed out and can no longer be selected. Users are disappointed as the feature got blocked even without any warning in the update release notes.

Samsung reportedly writes, “Since Samsung released a lot of improvements related to the camera and performance last month, don’t expect this update to bring anything new in terms of features or performance.”

Fans of the feature claim to achieve better-looking 4K footage on the Galaxy S23 Ultra when downsizing 8K recordings rather than shooting in 4K to start with. Another reason to shoot in 8K is to achieve the highest resolution possible when extracting still photos from your video recordings.

Source — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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