
Samsung LockStar lets you add widgets on Lock screen and AOD, check limits here



Samsung LockStar has just received a new update, which brings some cool features to the Lock screen and Always On Display to provide a wonderful experience.

With the latest update, the company lets you add widgets on the Lock screen and Always On Display. This means you can now customize your screen with useful widgets that display information like weather, calendar events, or music controls without even unlocking your phone.

However, there are a couple of important things to note about the use of widgets on the Always On Display. Samsung has set some constraints to prevent the occurrence of issues on the screen.

Firstly, if you have chosen a clock type from Image Clock, you won’t be able to use widgets. And secondly, if you’ve applied a clock of custom type using the Clockface app, you won’t have access to widgets on the Always On Display either.

Notably, we are yet to confirm the version of the update as the Galaxy Store changelog lists the update as version while the overview section mentions version 5.1. 00.24. One of the following is correct and one is wrongly typed.

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