
Google Photos gets a new editor with four tabs



Google Photos on the Web has a new editor that matches the Android/iOS app and Chromebook redesign. The editor includes four tabs – Suggestions, Aspect Ratio, Adjust, and Filters.

Users can access the new editor by opening a photo on Google Photos on the web and clicking on the blue message that says “Try the new editor”. The new editor is more efficient and consistent across devices.

Four Tabs of Google Photos’ Editor App


The Suggestions tab provides options such as Enhance, Warm, and Cool to optimize the photos. Google One subscribers can also benefit from features such as Portrait light, Blur, Sky, Color, and HDR.

Aspect Ratio

The Aspect Ratio tab allows users to select from various presets to crop the photos. Users can also rotate and reset the photos in this tab.


The Adjust tab displays all the sliders for Light, Color, and Pop in one screen. Users can use them to fine-tune the photos.


The Filters tab offers different filters that users can apply to the photos.


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