
Gboard gets new features for emoji skin tone and gender representations



Google is releasing a new update for the Gboard app for Android, which allows users to set their own default skin tone and gender for supported emojis. The new update is rolling out to Gboard for Android and is already available with version 13.5.03.x Beta.

Previously, users had to long-press each character to change its skin tone or gender presentation, which was a time-consuming and frustrating process. But with the new update, users can adjust one emoji’s skin tone or gender presentation, and this preference will be applied to every other compatible emoji across their keyboard.

This is a significant improvement over the previous one, which could take over 300 taps to set the tone and gender of every individual compatible emoji.

In a recent study conducted by Google with 2,000 participants, it was found that the ability to use skin-toned emojis is important for creating a sense of connection and representation among users of different skin tones.

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