
Gmail improves split screen view for tablets and foldables



Google is making its apps more suitable for large devices like tablets and foldable phones. One of the latest improvements is the split-screen view for Gmail, which lets users open links and attachments in a separate window without leaving the app.

The split screen view works by opening a link in an email in a side-by-side (Chrome Custom Tab) window on the right side of the screen while keeping the email visible on the left side.

This way, users can easily switch between the email and the web page without losing context. Some links, such as Google Docs and YouTube, will open in their native apps instead of Chrome.

Users can also adjust the split-screen size by dragging the window’s edge. Gmail will return to its normal tablet interface with three columns of information if you shrink the web page slightly.

In addition to Gmail, Google has also optimized Zoom, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Docs, and Todoist apps for large-screen devices.


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