
Google Play Store updates app screenshots gallery for phone, watch, tablet and more



Google has introduced a new feature for Play Store that allows users to view screenshots in app listings by form factor/device. The new feature is not yet widely rolled out on several devices but expected to be available for more devices in the coming days/months.

The new feature of Google Play Store includes a form factor carousel that updates the screenshot gallery below. The carousel includes Phone, Watch, Chromebook, Tablet, and Car options. This new feature improves user experience and makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for.

In addition, the Google Play Store has added a “New” tab in the navigation rail for tablets and Chromebooks. The tab features an asterisk icon and is similar to the “Offers” feed found on phones.

The carousel highlights editorial content, upcoming games, books, movie/TV deals, and more, while there are also ads promoting the apps. This feature was not available on large-screen devices until now.


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