
WhatsApp will start suggesting list of similar channels based on relevance soon 



The Channels feature on WhatsApp has been getting more promising since the day it was unveiled, and providing users with a more relevant experience. Therefore, WhatsApp will soon start suggesting a list of similar channels based on relevance and similarity to other existing channels.

According to information, WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will suggest similar channels, and help users to discover new content that might align with their interests. Many users may not be aware of all the channels available on WhatsApp that cater to their interests.

Thus, by suggesting similar channels, WhatsApp will help users discover a wider range of content that they may find relevant and engaging. However, if users choose to follow a new channel or view the information of a channel they already follow, WhatsApp will suggest a list of similar channels based on their relevance.

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It’s worth noting that only verified channels will be suggested, ensuring that users only receive recommendations from trusted sources. Simultaneously, these suggestions are based on the similarity of channel content rather than personalized algorithms analyzing user interests.

Consequently, the feature to suggest similar channels is under development and it will be available in a future update of WhatsApp.


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