
A game changer: Samsung to mass produce 2nm BSPDN semiconductor in 2026



The semiconductor market is currently in motion, so several manufacturers including Intel, Samsung, TSMC, and more are competing to develop cutting-edge technologies to lead the tech world. On the other side, Samsung plans to mass produce a BSPDN semiconductor based on a 2nm process in 2026.

As per the information, Samsung gearing up to mass-produce a game-changer Backside Power Supply (BSPDN) technology with a 2nm process starting next year. The tech maker has also reduced the chip area by 10% and 19% and succeeded in improving chip performance and frequency efficiency to a single-digit level.

Previously, it was reported that Samsung Electronics would introduce rear power supply technology starting from the 1.7-nano process. But now the South Korean tech giant is expected to revise its roadmap and introduce the technology as early as next year when mass production of the 2-nano process begins.

To be mentioned, the rear power supply technology being developed by Samsung has achieved indicators that exceed the target in the initial stage. As Samsung delivered results exceeding target indicators from the beginning of development, it is highly likely that the commercialization date, originally scheduled for around 2027, will be brought forward.

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Furthermore, the backside power supply is a new semiconductor process that has yet to be commercialized. Therefore, to supply power to semiconductors, power supply lines have been placed on the top of the wafer where the circuit is drawn for convenience in the process.


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