
Google’s Android 15 Beta 1 Released: What’s New



Google has released the Android 15 Beta 1 for Pixel devices through OTA. This beta update is available for testing for developers and early adopters. Android 15 brings improvements to increase productivity, enhance app quality, and strengthen privacy and security.

Now, users of the Pixel devices can try out the new features of Android 15 on their devices ahead of the stable release. The beta program is essential for refining Android, with user feedback playing an essential role.

Android 15 Beta 1 update arrives with a bundle of new features and enhancements to provide a better and next-level experience. It uses full screen, enhances NFC payments, supports more languages with better text justification, and introduces app archiving to save space.

Moreover, it also adds new developer tools for app profiling and improves Braille display compatibility. Security is strengthened with key management for encryption and more rigid background activity controls.

Android 15 First Beta Update Features

Edge to Edge

In Android 15, apps automatically use the full screen, showing content behind the system bars without extra coding. For older Android versions, it’s still best to use `enableEdgeToEdge()` to achieve this look. Material 3 design helps manage the layout for you, ensuring your app looks great on all devices.

By default, system bars on Android 15 are see-through, allowing app content to extend behind them. To avoid content hidden by the system bars, refer to “Handle overlaps using insets” documentation for Views or the Window insets section in Compose.

Smooth NFC experience – part 2

The tap-to-pay process is now smoother, with apps able to register for notifications of NFC polling, ensuring better performance across multiple NFC applications.

Inter-character justification

A new justification mode allows for better letter spacing in texts, particularly benefiting languages like Chinese and Japanese that don’t rely on spaces.

App archiving

To save storage, users can now archive rarely used apps while keeping their data intact. This feature is now supported at the OS level, making it easier for app stores to adopt.

App managed profiling

Developers can gather in-depth app performance data with the new ProfilingManager class. An upcoming Jetpack API will further streamline this process.

Better Braille

TalkBack now supports a wider range of Braille displays, thanks to compatibility with the HID standard over USB and Bluetooth.

Key management for end to end encryption

The new E2eeContactKeysManager API helps in managing cryptographic keys for end-to-end encryption in apps.

Secured background activity launches

Android 15 enhances security by restricting background apps from unauthorized foreground launches.

App compatibility

With Android 15 in beta, developers are advised to test their apps for compatibility and address any issues to ensure a smooth user experience.

If you’ve a eligible pixel device, join the beta program now to enjoy the new features on your smartphones.

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