
Google Pay simplifies transaction access with ‘Open Wallet’ shortcut



Google Pay app has been updated on Android devices to introduce a new feature, Open Wallet. This new shortcut improves security and user experience, making digital payments more accessible and secure.

Now, users can authenticate more frequently, ensuring safer transactions. Located at the bottom of the screen, the ‘Open Wallet’ button of Google Pay lets users quickly view their past transactions, including the amounts and locations. This is a change from the previous design, which showed only the payment card and the app’s logo.

The Open Wallet shortcut is similar to Apple Pay, which shows the default payment card and other cards with a double click. Apple Pay also provides fast access to passes through a system-wide shortcut.

Google Wallet offers similar accessibility through a lock screen shortcut or a Quick Settings Tile. Previously, Google placed ‘Cards & Passes’ in the power menu on Android 11 to show user-friendly features.


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