
Google bringing Project Gameface for hand-free navigation to Android



Google has introduced a new accessibility feature for Android users called Project Gameface. This feature allows users to control their phone’s cursor with head movements and facial expressions, like raising eyebrows or opening their mouth.

This new feature uses a good combination of technologies, which include Android’s accessibility services, Google’s MediaPipe framework, and the smartphone’s front camera. Users can customize up to 52 different gestures and adjust the sensitivity of these gestures to suit their needs.

For this feature to work in different apps, app developers need to add support for Project Gameface. Google hopes that many developers will do this to make their apps more accessible to all Android users.

The Project Gameface feature was first announced for Windows and is now coming to Android. It shows Google’s effort to make technology usable for all.

Project Gameface for Android was created with three main principles in mind:

  • To help people with disabilities use their phones in a new way
  • To make this help affordable and easy to get for as many people as possible.
  • To use what was learned from the GameFace launch version to make it even better and more personal for each user.

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