
Google Phone app gets transparent status bar



Google is releasing a new update to Android’s native calling app. Phone by Google app is getting a new update, which brings a transparent status bar. Following the update, the black status bar will be replaced with your phone’s Dynamic Color theme.

Google Phone shows a dark black status bar when on call or in-app usage. The developers have made a major improvement, bringing Dynamic Color to the app. It will further enhance the screen appearance and that odd horizontal line will be vanished.

The transparent status bar doesn’t require your phone to run on Android 15. Users having Android phones on v14 have also noticed the change. It was initially implemented with version 128 release in late April alongside the addition of the Audio Emoji feature.

Apps targeting API level 35 “are displayed edge-to-edge by default on Android 15 devices.” The Android team cited how “an internal Google user study found that users significantly prefer edge-to-edge screens over non-edge-to-edge screens” as they result in a “more satisfying and premium” experience.

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