
WhatsApp wants you to see important contact’s Status in priority through AI



WhatsApp is rolling out a new status update ranking feature for Android users. This feature improves the user experience as it automatically arranges status updates so that those from important contacts are shown first.

The status ranking feature of WhatsApp reorders status updates to ensure users are always provided with important updates and information. The ranking of the status is determined by four factors:

  • Frequent Communication
  • Pinned Chats
  • Recent Messaging
  • Expiring Status Updates

The introduction of this feature means the traditional timestamp display for status updates is no longer visible. Instead, the focus is on making sure you don’t miss updates from the people you interact with the most.

All the information used to decide the order of status updates is kept on your phone, ensuring your privacy is protected. Notably, if you reinstall WhatsApp or link a new device, this ranking system will reset.

This new ranking feature is being released gradually to users who download the latest WhatsApp beta from the Google Play Store. The update will soon be available for more Android devices.

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