
All Android phones get Gemini AI-powered Google Messages app



Google expands Gemini AI-powered Messages app to all Android phones. If you are using an Android phone with at least 6GB of RAM, you are eligible for the AI-powered Messages app. It may have deployed on your phone, or on the way through Google Play Store.

Gemini AI in Google Messages for Android is available as a contact to chat. It offers the same experience as the standalone Gemini chatbot. You can ask your questions, get suggestions, and do anything you want with Gemini within the Messages app.

Earlier, Gemini in Google Messages was limited to select Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy phones. With the latest update, Google pulled the requirement restrictions, making it available for a vast audience. Sadly, you won’t be able to get it if your phone has RAM lower than 6GB.

Apart from this, Google also officially launched the Gemini AI app in more countries. It’s now available in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Turkey.

  • You can download it via the Play Store or opt-in via Google Assistant.

The company noted its excitement in bringing the Gemini app and the latest Gemini Advanced features to India. There’s support for nine Indian languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi.

Also Read | Gemini AI fab button coming to Google Messages

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