
Gemini AI now functions on your Android’s lockscreen



Google has upgraded the Gemini AI app to answer general questions even on your Android phone’s lockscreen. Initially, the company’s new Gemini app was limited to Google Assistant-level commands. Now, if you trigger Gemini on the lock screen, it will respond to some general questions.

The upgraded Gemini AI now allows you to “get answers on lockscreen from Gemini without unlocking your device.” You can now get weather information at a glance with the new Gemini application, but additional actions would require you to unlock the device first.

You can keep your phone locked if your query has been answered properly. If you prefer entering the whole user interface, just unlock the device using fingerprint or PIN. Once unlocked, you will get the keyboard in the popped-up state, offering seamless flow.

The Gemini app added a new “Gemini on lock screen” setting on the main preferences page. Google’s new “Gemini responses on lock screen” toggle completes the already available “Google Assistant on lock screen” option.

Notably, Google is rolling out this update to random users sequentially. You may soon notice the changes as soon as the update reaches your handset. As it’s the first deployment, you may not get responses to some basic queries, but not too long.

Similar to Google Assistant, Gemini was able to control alarms and timers, media (play/pause), and “some phone features,” like volume. As part of the “Utilities” Extension, the US tech giant is further enhancing the user experience through the Gemini app.

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