
WhatsApp for Android bringing bulk sticker management feature



WhatsApp for Android has rolled out a new beta update, which brings a useful feature for bulk sticker management. The update can be identified through and is available for Android users through the Google Play Beta Program.

The latest update lets users manage multiple stickers at once with the new feature. Previously, if you wanted to delete or organize stickers, you had to handle them one by one, which could be boring.

Now, with this new feature, you can select multiple stickers at once and perform actions like deleting or managing them more easily. This makes handling large sticker collections much faster and more efficient.

In addition to this new feature, WhatsApp allows users to move their favorite stickers to the top of the collection.  However, the bulk management feature further enhances this favorite sticker by allowing you to handle multiple stickers at once. For example, you can now delete several stickers from your favorites or move them around in bulk.

The new bulk sticker management feature is currently available to some beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta update. If you are not seeing this feature yet, it may be included in a future update. The rollout is gradual so more and more users will be able to use this feature in the coming days or weeks.

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