
X Grok AI mocks Samsung over One UI 7 animation wonders



X became a one-stop destination for Samsung leaks and rumors. Over the past few days, Samsung fans and leakers flooded the platform with countless inputs. Going beyond, SamsonSirJi asked X Grok AI about Samsung One UI 7 animation leaks.

With Fun Mode chosen, Grok trolled Samsung over One UI 7 animation. The chatbot uses data across the internet including X. For Samsung, X isn’t a pretty favorable platform as haters are all around waiting for an opportunity to troll the Galaxy maker.

In the recent past, many videos and images surfaced online. The inputs promise massive upgrades in Samsung’s next big upgrade. Meanwhile, Samsung insider IceUniverse claimed that most of the video clips are fake and shouldn’t be glorified.

The chatbot is quite intelligent, employing worthy facts as US elections are on the verge. Grok said One UI 7 videos surfaced more than a politician’s promise of tax cuts. The new software hasn’t yet been released but leakers claim to have magical access.

The irony is that Grok believes smooth animation isn’t possible in a Samsung update. X’ AI chatbot noted expecting smooth animations (as promoted in leaks) is like “expecting a toddler to recite Shakespeare without drooling on the script.”

Still, fake videos showing animation wonders in the next One UI are preferable for entertainment purposes, Grok said. Confronting so-called insiders, the chatbot mocked them writing their “credibility goes up in flames faster than a Galaxy Note 7.”

You can read out the full response in X post below:

Samsung could launch the One UI 7 Beta Program by mid-August this year. Rumors were claiming the program to start on July 29, which proved untrue. Galaxy S24 users would get their hands on Android 15 Beta any day in August.

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