
Samsung’s semiconductor ambitions stalled in Texas, USA



Samsung could not be able to kick off mass production of advanced semiconductor at its Texas plant in the USA. The company’s ambitious semiconductor unit is facing several roadblocks, delaying its completion.

Mass production is reportedly pushed beyond 2026 given legal and administrative reasons. BusinessKorea reports that Samsung is facing a delay in subsidies from the USA govt for its Texas semiconductor plant alongside rising construction costs.

Apart from this, a local construction worker suffered severe injuries last month. The worker filed a $1 million compensation lawsuit against Samsung. He alleged that Samsung was aware of the risks but failed to provide proper training & management.

The company responded to US media, stating, “The worker is a site supervisor from a subcontractor involved in the Taylor plant construction. We are reviewing the details and wish for his speedy recovery.”

The South Korean tech giant broke ground on the Taylor plant in the first half of 2022. As of the end of last year, the construction progress rate was only 59.7%. There are also rumors of switching the unit from 4nm to 2nm due to a delay in completion.

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