
WhatsApp now lets you transfer community ownership and archive chats



WhatsApp has rolled out a new stable update, which brings several useful features for managing communities and group chats. It is available for Android users with version on the Google Play Store.

The fresh update adds the ability to transfer community ownership. Before, this was only available to those using the beta version of WhatsApp, but now it’s available to everyone.

Now, community owners can now easily hand over their admin rights to another admin. This can be done through the community settings, just select a new admin >> confirm the transfer, and the new owner will get a notification about their new role.

In addition, the update also brings an option to archive community group chats directly from the Chats tab. Previously, users could only do this from the Communities tab, but now they can achieve groups without switching tabs.

Not only this, the update also includes a feature that lets community admins hide certain group chats from general community members. This means admins can now keep specific discussions private, only visible to invited participants and other admins.

These features are being rolled out gradually, so if you don’t see them right away, they should be available in the coming weeks. To make sure you get these updates as soon as they’re available, keep your WhatsApp app updated through the Google Play Store.

WhatsApp bringing new feature to easily transfer community ownership

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