
Samsung targets 2026 for 3D stacked SoC with hybrid bonding and TC-NCF



Samsung plans to begin mass production of 3D stacked SoC in 2026. The company wants to improve performance and overcome the difficulties of semiconductor miniaturization by stacking semiconductors with different functions.

The South Korean tech giant reportedly considering 3D stacked SoC. The company is pursuing both hybrid bonding and TC-NCF stack semiconductors vertically. It’s similar to HBM, which vertically stacks DRAM to increase bandwidth for AI calculations.

Samsung has recently conducted performance tests on stacking mobile APs with TC-NCF and has reportedly obtained good results. Furthermore, using TC-NCF for mobile APs is analyzed as a reflection of confidence in the technology.

Well, Samsung Foundry is not doing well for the next-gen process. The 3nm yield has not yet reached the threshold limit to enter mass production. Meanwhile, it’s good to see Samsung is continuing to innovate for a better future.

Hybrid bonding is an advanced packaging tech that directly connects the copper paths through which semiconductors exchange signals. The technology is not yet mature, hence, it cannot be used in system semiconductors for mobile devices.

To address this flaw, the company is reportedly developing both hybrid bonding and TC-NCF methods simultaneously. Before the hybrid bonding technology is perfected, TC-NCF will likely be applied first to implement 3D stacked mobile APs.

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