One UI

One UI for All Devices: Samsung announces unified software for 2025



At the Samsung Developer Conference (SDC) 2024, Samsung has announced an important change that all its products will unified under a single software experience called One UI next year. Through this, the company aims to make things easier for users of all Samsung devices.

Samsung’s software is currently available in different products like mobile devices, TVs, and home appliances, each with its own name. Starting in 2025, Samsung will bring all these under the One UI brand to make things easier for users.

One UI has been used for mobile devices since 2018, and now it will also be used for other products. By unifying everything under One UI, Samsung hopes to create a smoother and more consistent experience.

Moreover, Samsung has also promised to offer up to seven years of operating system upgrades for its mobile devices. This means users can expect longer support and updates, keeping their devices running smoothly and safely for years.

Aside from this, Samsung is also focusing on artificial intelligence (AI). To achieve its “AI for All” goal, Samsung will focus on using AI for good to help people solve social problems and make the world better for future generations.

With One UI unifying its software and focus on AI, Samsung is making its devices easier to use and connect with each other.

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