On February 20, 2019, Samsung introduced the Galaxy S10 flagships on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Galaxy S-series. This lineup consists of many...
Introduced in February, Android 12-based One UI 4.1 is currently the latest custom software skin offered by Samsung. The new version arrived with a handful of...
If it’s Samsung’s feature, it can be customized. The Korean company provides a variety of options to completely personalize your phone, whether it is the home...
After the launch of the standard Galaxy Z Flip 3 in August last year, Samsung brought Bespoke colors for the devices in October. This edition was...
If it’s Samsung’s feature, it definitely has customization options to provide users with a more connected experience. If those features aren’t enough to satisfy your desire...
Every smartphone manufacturer has its own virtual assistant. For Samsung phones, the assistant is Bixby. It lets you control your smartphone and select connected accessories. With...
Notifications! It’s a way to let you know that something new has happened so that you don’t miss anything that deserves your attention when you are...
Samsung offers you tons of customization options. You can customize the Quick settings panel, Home screen, Lock screen, App drawer, Volume panel, and others to give...
Samsung One UI is always been full of experiences that empower you to do whatever you want effortlessly by translating it into an everyday mobile experience....
Samsung started releasing the Android 12-based One UI 4.1 update to Galaxy devices in March. So far, the update has reached multiple users while the Samsung...